论文题目: Identification of a Human Subcortical Maternal Complex
作者: 朱恺,#Li-Ying Yan,张小欣,卢绪坤,#Tian-Ren Wang,#Jie Yan,#Xin-Qi Liu,#乔杰*,李磊*
年: 2015
卷: 21
期: 4
页: 320-329
联系作者: #乔杰,李磊
发表期刊: Molecular Human Reproduction
论文连接 http://molehr.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/4/320.abstract?sid=7a45132d-b217-4671-a540-34e055107c59
摘要: Maternal effect genes play essential roles in early embryonic development. However, the mechanisms by which maternal effect genes regulate mammalian early embryonic development remain largely unknown. Recently, we identified a subcortical maternal complex (SCMC) that is composed of at least four proteins encoded by Mater, Floped, Tle6 and Filia and is critical for mouse preimplantation development. The present study demonstrates that human SCMC homologous genes (NLRP5, OOEP, TLE6 and KHDC3L) are specifically expressed in the oocytes of human fetal ovaries. The proteins of this complex co-localize in the subcortex of human oocytes and early embryos. Furthermore, the SCMC proteins physically interact with each other when they are co-expressed in cell lines. These results indicate that human NLRP5, OOEP, TLE6 and KHDC3L function as a complex in the oocytes and early embryos of Homo sapiens. Considering the important roles of the SCMC in mouse early embryogenesis, the characterization of the human SCMC will provide a basis for investigating human early embryonic development and will have clinical implications in human female infertility or recurrent spontaneous abortion.