詹祥江实验室发表的研究论文入选2021年Nature Ecology & Evolution 杂志“Year in Review”
近日获悉,动物研究所詹祥江实验室2021年3月份发表在Nature杂志的封面论文(Gu ZR, Pan SK, Lin ZZ,…, Zhan XJ. Climate-driven flyway changes and memory-based long-distance migration. Nature, 2021, 591:259–264),被Nature Ecology & Evolution杂志以“Falcon flyways”为题,选入2021年的“年度回顾”(Year in Review)
Climate has shaped the evolution and maintenance of long-distance migration in birds, and is likely to affect migratory routes under future warming. Writing in Nature in March 2021, Gu et al. used satellite tracking to follow peregrine falcons along five different migration routes from breeding grounds in the Eurasian Arctic to southern wintering grounds in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. By resequencing the genomes of individuals from four different populations in combination with ecological niche modelling, they identified distinct genetic clusters in which long-distance and short-distance migrants diverged during the Last Glacial Maximum 20 to 30 thousand years ago, coinciding with changes in the availability of tundra habitat during breeding seasons. They also identified a signal of positive selection at the ADCY8 locus in long-distance migrants, a gene previously linked to long-term memory. With breeding and wintering grounds predicted to shift more than one degree poleward by the end of the century, the authors argued that this mechanistic insight into the evolution of migration routes and strategies will be valuable in informing future conservation efforts.
图. 全球共12篇研究论文入选Nature Ecology & Evolution杂志2021年“Year in Review”.