姓  名: 金坚石
学  科: 生物技术/基因组学/分子生物学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807550 / 
电子邮件: jinjs@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 中国科学院动物研究所
农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室 100101
更多信息: 菌群生物学与智能调控研究组     



  2009年和2014年分别获得南京大学学士和北京大学博士学位。2010-2011前往哈佛大学访问学习。2014-2016年在北京大学生命科学学院从事博士后研究。2016-2023年在日本理化学研究所先后担任JSPS fellow、Research Scientist、Senior Scientist。

  主要从事单细胞测序、显微成像和智能化系统等的研发工作,研究肠道菌群和转录调控等复杂系统相关的生物学问题。研究成果发表于Science,Nature Communications, Nature Protocols, Science Immunology,PNAS,The Journal of Immunology等杂志。已申请多国PCT专利。曾获得日本理化学研究所“樱舞赏”,日本JSPS博士后奖学金,北京大学优秀博士论文,北大-清华生命科学联合中心优秀博士后基金等。











  (#通讯作者 *共同第一作者):

  12. Jianshi Jin#, Reiko Yamamoto, Katsuyuki Shiroguchi#, High-throughput identification and quantification of bacterial cells in the microbiota based on 16S rRNA sequencing with single-base accuracy using BarBIQ. Nature Protocols, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41596-023-00906-8.

  11. Jianshi Jin*, Taisaku Ogawa*, Nozomi Hojo, Kirill Kryukov, Kenji Shimizu, Tomokatsu Ikawa, Tadashi Imanishi, Taku Okazaki, Katsuyuki Shiroguchi, Robotic data acquisition with deep learning enables cell image-based prediction of transcriptomic states. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 120 (1), e2210283120, 2023.

  10. Guangwei Cui, Akihiro Shimba, Jianshi Jin, Nozomi Hojo, Takuma Asahi, Shinya Abe, Aki Ejima, Shinri Okada, Keizo Ohira, Ryoma Kato, Shizue Tani-ichi, Ryo Yamada, Takashi Ebihara, Katsuyuki Shiroguchi, Koichi Ikuta, CD45 alleviates airway inflammation and lung fibrosis by limiting expansion and activation of ILC2s. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 120 (36), e2215941120, 2023.

  9. Sonoko Takahashi, Sotaro Ochiai, Jianshi Jin, Noriko Takahashi, Susumu Toshima, Harumichi Ishigame, Kenji Kabashima, Masato Kubo, Manabu Nakayama, Katsuyuki Shiroguchi, and Takaharu Okada, Sensory neuronal STAT3 is critical for IL-31 receptor expression and inflammatory itch. Cell Reports, 113433, 2023.

  8. Jianshi Jin, Reiko Yamamoto, Tadashi Takeuchi, Guangwei Cui, Eiji Miyauchi, Nozomi Hojo, Koichi Ikuta, Hiroshi Ohno, Katsuyuki Shiroguchi, High-throughput identification and quantification of single bacterial cells in the microbiota. Nature communications, 13:863, 2022.

  7. Guangwei Cui, Akihiro Shimba, Jianshi Jin, Taisaku Ogawa, Yukiko Muramoto, et al. A circulating subset of iNKT cells mediates antitumor and antiviral immunity. Science Immunology, 7, eabj8760, 2022.

  6. Yanmeng Li, Jianshi Jin, Fan Bai, Cancer biology deciphered by single-cell transcriptomic sequencing, Protein Cell, 13(3):167–179, 2022.

  5. Katsuyuki Shiroguchi *, Jianshi Jin*, and Reiko Yamamoto, Method for treating cell population and method for analyzing genes included in cell population. Application No.: PCT/JP2021/020338.

  4. Jianli Tao*, Xiao-Wei Zhang*, Jianshi Jin*, Xiao-Xia Du, Tengfei Lian, Jing Yang, Xiang Zhou, Zhengfan Jiang and Xiao-Dong Su, Nonspecific DNA Binding of cGAS N Terminus Promotes cGAS Activation. The Journal of Immunology, 198(9):3627-3636, 2017.

  3. Jianshi Jin*, Tengfei, Lian*, Chan Gu*, Kai Yu, Yi Qin Gao & Xiao-Dong Su, The effects of cytosine methylation on general transcriptional factors. Scientific Reports, 6:29119, 2016.

  2. Jianshi Jin, Tengfei, Lian, X. Sunney Xie, Xiao-Dong Su, High-accuracy mapping protein binding stability on nucleosomal DNA using single-molecule method. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 6(5):438-40, 2014.

  1. Sangjin Kim,* Erik Brostromer,* Dong Xing,* Jianshi Jin,* Shasha Chong, Hao Ge, Siyuan Wang, Chan Gu, Lijiang Yang, Yi Qin Gao, Xiao-dong Su, Yujie Sun, X. Sunney Xie, Probing Allostery Through DNA, Science, 339:816-819, 2013.




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